Integrating reproductive health rights of women in the decentralised health services delivery in Uganda
Edith Okiria, Makerere University
Women’s health has attained higher international visibility and renewed political commitment. Reproductive Rights embrace certain human rights recognized in national and international legal and human rights documents. Although government of Uganda and other partners are committed to reducing maternal mortality, it is still ranked among the highest in the region. However, women’s reproductive health rights have been neglected. The study explored the decentralized health services delivery, and assessed the extent to which reproductive health rights are integrated. The study used exploratory design, qualitative and quantitative techniques, interviews, questionnaires and observations methods. Reproductive health services ranged from antenatal care, family planning, counseling and testing, health education, at some levels. Majority of women have no liberty for decisions making, and rights are violated influenced by poor infrastructure and poverty. Reproductive health rights are inadequately integrated into the decentralized health care delivery. Reduction of maternal mortality is vital in national health development.
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Presented in Session 17: Sexual and reproductive health rights