
Topics and Sessions

1. Fertility transitions8 2. Sexual and reproductive health7 3. Family planning7 4. Adult health, mortality, and aging4 5. Maternal, newborn, and child health7 6. Children, youth, and transition to adulthood6 7. Migration patterns, trends, and consequences9 8. Determinants and consequences of urbanization6 9. Marriage and family5 10. Population and development5 11. Population, environment, and climate change5 12. Population and gender6 13. HIV/AIDS, STIs, and sexual behavior6 14. Programs and policies4 15. Methodological issues9 16. Special sessions and panel discussions40
1. Opening Ceremony 2. Burkina Day: Poster Session 3. Burkina Day: Migration 4. Burkina Day: Employment 5. Burkina Day: Reproductive health 10. Side meeting: MME Info: Demonstration of a new tool to access the latest maternal mortality estimates and related data 11. Side meeting: Launch of Guttmacher Institute report, “Benefits of Meeting Women’s Contraceptive Needs in Burkina Faso" 13. Reproductive strategies in response to HIV 14. African Demography and the World Bank: How to chart the way forward 15. UAPS Plenary Session I 19. The financial burden of unsafe abortion in Africa 24. Scientific proposal development 27. 2010 Round of censuses 29. Contemporary population trends in Latin American and the Caribbean: family, reproductive health and migration 33. Induced abortion in Africa: incidence, measurement, care, and policy 34. UAPS General Meeting 35. Side meeting: Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS): UNICEF's household population-based survey programme 36. Side meeting: Partners in Population and Development, ARO (Cancelled) 37. Side meeting: Sharing experience - Four decades of family planning and birth spacing, as well as demography and population matters in Africa, from policy to implementation 38. Side meeting: African Population Studies - African dissertation writing series 39. Side meeting: CEPED: Training, research and promotion prospects, and relations with partners and the International Relations Directorate and partnerships with INED 40. Side meeting: UAPS environment panel 42. Side meeting: Health and sexual and reproductive rights for all 43. UAPS Plenary Session II 66. Side meeting: UAPS gender panel 71. Burkina Day: Site visits 72. Side meeting: Reunion du Comite de UIESP sur le renforcement de la formation démographique en Afrique francophone 73. Side meeting: Strengthening training and regional networks in demography 74. Side meeting: PAA-IOC Panel on qualitative and mixed-methods research in Africa 75. Side meeting: IUSSP-UNFPA project on indirect estimation 76. Side meeting: UAPS fertility panel 77. Side meeting: UNICEF's Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS): topics for potential researchers and data users 78. Side meeting: Weathering change: Stories about climate and family from women around the world 79. ISSP 20th Anniversary Celebration 107. UAPS Elections 125. Side meeting: Population Action International panel discussion on global RH and HIV programs and policies 130. Recent demographic change in sub-Saharan Africa: A decomposition approach 132. Side meeting: Parliamentarians and heads of population and reproductive health secretariats 133. Side meeting: Enabling Africa’s highest fertility countries to develop: Investing in girls and young women, while making family planning realistically available 134. Closing Ceremony
18. Poster sessions4