Challenge of census estimates of maternal mortality at regional level: case study of Burkina Faso in 2006
Siaka Lougue, University of the Western Cape, South Africa
A. Sathiya Susuman, University of the Western Cape
Zakaliyat Bonkoungou, SP/CONAPO
Estimate of maternal mortality level is one of the important challenges surrounding the issue. This problem is present even in countries with good registration system. In developing countries, particularly in Burkina Faso where the registration system is not working properly, census and surveys are the main providers of maternal mortality estimates. However, many authors agree that censuses provide the most reliable data about maternal mortality in developing countries. In addition, only censuses are really adequate for sub-national estimates of maternal mortality. Unfortunately, census data need to be redressed. In this regard, improve maternal mortality estimates from census data is an urgent issue. Based on this situation, this research is undertaken to examine the method used to estimate maternal mortality in the 2006 census of Burkina Faso, highlight the weaknesses and strengths as well as make recommendations for further census to better capture and estimate the phenomenon.
See paper
Presented in Session 123: Methodological issues in estimation of maternal, infant, and child mortality