
Exploring locality-specific interventions to increase modern contraceptive use in lower-middle income countries: A systematic review

Megan L. Ledger, University of Southampton
Andrew A. R. Channon, University of Southampton
Ying Cheong, University of Southampton
Claire E. Bailey, University of Southampton
Zoe Matthews, University of Southampton

Context: This study aims to identify and assess locality-specific interventions to increase the uptake of modern contraceptive methods. The aim is to improve our understanding of cultural barriers to contraceptive use and to evaluate interventions which try to tackle these barriers. This study will contribute to the evidence base for future programme and policy. Objective: We aim to review interventions that have been undertaken at a locality-specific level to increase use of modern contraceptives and assess their effectiveness. Method: Literature searches various databases; including PubMed, Embase and POPLINE. There will be no language, gender or age restrictions implemented into the search strategy. Study selection: This review will include studies which use both quantitative and qualitative methods (different analysis methods will be applied to each type of study). This study is still in the initial stages; inclusion/exclusion criteria have been set, protocols written and the preliminary searches completed.

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Presented in Session 122: Case studies in addressing barriers to contraceptive use and enhancing commodity security