
Factors associated with choice of post-abortion contraceptive in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Ndola Prata, University of California, Berkeley
Suzanne Bell, University of California, Berkeley
Martine Holston, Venture Strategies
Caitlin Gerdts, University of California, Berkeley
Yilma Melkamu, Addis Ababa University

The abortion rate in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia is approximately 49 per 1,000 women of reproductive age, indicating a high demand for abortion services and an opportunity to increase access to contraceptives. In this study, we analyzed the medical service records of 1,200 women seeking abortion related services from October 2008 to February 2009 in four public and three private health facilities in Addis Ababa. During post-abortion services, 86% of women were provided a contraceptive method, most commonly pills, injectables, and condoms. Multivariate results illustrate that women aged 40-44, students, employed women, receipt of abortion services in private clinics, number of children alive, and number of previous abortions were statistically significant factors associated with the odds of adopting any modern contraceptive post-abortion. In addition, the odds of choosing a long-term contraceptive method were significantly and positively associated with being age 25-29, attaining secondary and higher education, and number of children.

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Presented in Session 115: Comparative studies of determinants of contraceptive use