
An insight into their world: the perceptions of community gate keepers on child labour in Ibadan North Local Government Area, Nigeria

Oyedunni S. Arulogun, University of Ibadan
Eme Asuquo, University of Port Harcourt

Child labour (CL) a major concern worldwide is seen in a different perspective and may relate to socialization and child training in African communities. This study aimed at exploring the socio-cultural perception that could influence its perpetration. The methodology consisted of 10 in-depth interviews spread over communities in Ibadan North Local Government Area, Nigeria among community leaders, landlords and religious leaders. CL was reported to be common and age group most affected was the 6 to 14year age group. Interviewee perceived it as a training period to prepare the child for the future and the girl child is the most affected. Poverty was identified as a key factor for CL. Reported benefits included additional income for the family and children becoming more useful. Consequences of CL included rape, prostitution and other anti-social vices. The eradication of CL therefore demands a shift towards strong advocacy and community mobilization against its practice.

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Presented in Session 51: Child labor and vulnerability: trends and national policies