Does couple discussion influence unmet need for family planning in Uganda?
Mukisa S. Wablembo, Makerere University
James Ntozi, Makerere University
Betty Kwagala, Makerere University
Non-use of family planning among women tends to widen the unmet need gap for contraceptive use and leads to a growing need for male involvement in maternal health. This study investigates the role of spousal negotiation in unmet need for family planning in Uganda using the 2006 DHS data. Logistic regression shows significant relationships between women’s socio-economic and demographic characteristics and unmet need. The odds of unmet need for Family planning are significantly higher among young, rural women, the non-educated including their spouses, those of a lower wealth status, and those who hardly discussed contraception with their partners. There is need to strengthen programs which emphasize improvement of the literacy levels of women so as to improve their socio-economic status which will translate into female economic and social empowerment hence ability to discuss sexuality related issues strengthened. Also supporting men as active partners in maternal health is pertinent for active male involvement in reproductive health.
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Presented in Session 49: Male involvement in contraceptive decision-making