Perilous consequence of global climate change and resulting climigration
Rizwana Barrister Yusuf, Institute of Hazrat Mohammad (SAW)
Global climate-change is playing prominent role in migration which was once embedded in complex political, social and economic factors. Climigration is one of the most exigent challenges that nations around the globe are currently facing. Causes of forced migration include flooding, deforestation, erosion of river banks and rise of sea-level. In developing countries migration due to climate-change has become commonplace. If Governments and NGOs fail to provide preventive and protective measures, the affected people will become refugees. Procedures have to be established today to identify the genuine environmental asylum seekers of tomorrow. The solution lies in addressing the root cause and provide teaching of adaptation for affected communities. Major teaching of all religions, establishment of social and environmental justice, can give mankind the spirit and guidance to face this enormous challenge. This paper outlines a legal & institutional framework to respond to the environmental migration upon highlighting deficiencies and formulate theories.
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Presented in Session 105: Land use systems in the context of climate change