Refined age distribution and demographic parameters estimation in Nigeria: An indirect approach
Ayo S. Adebowale, University of Ibadan
Adeniyi Francis Fagbamigbe, University of Ibadan
Afolabi Bamgboye, University of Ibadan
Poor census results in terms of age misreporting are common in developing countries. This poses serious challenge to the true estimate of basic demographic parameters. The study uses 2006 census data. Analysis was done using indirect demographic method. After data adjustment, the results showed that male birth (49.4) and death (18.3) rates were higher than female birth (45.3) and death (16.0) rates. The expectation of life at birth was lower for males (46.7) than females (50.0). Data adjustment using logit transformation reveals gross age misstatement across all ages, but age misreporting are more pronounced among females than males. Also, there is tendency to under-report ages at ages 15 to 17 years and above 55 years, whereas, gross over-reporting of age are seen in ages between 18 and 55 years. Priority attention should be accorded through public campaign on the need to report true age during any demographic survey.
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Presented in Session 123: Methodological issues in estimation of maternal, infant, and child mortality