Impact of HIV/AIDS on households in Kenya (WITHDRAWN)
Zena Lyaga, University of Nairobi
This paper explores the impact of HIV/AIDS on the structure and welfare of households in Kenya. 1989, 1999 and 2009 Population and Housing Census data is used to track changes in the structure of households, focusing on households headed by children, single parent households and households with missing generations i.e. households with children and grandparents but with no parents. The three inter-censal periods represent the different stages in the development of HIV/AIDS in Kenya. The analysis is descriptive; evaluating the welfare of these structures to establish the well-being of orphaned households. The socio-economic indicators are household size, the heads education status and ownership of household assets. The assumption in this study is that HIV/AIDS is the single most important determinant of change in the household. The findings indicate a decrease in proportions of these household types and the orphan prevalence in recent times.
See paper
Presented in Session 65: Socioeconomic impact of HIV/AIDS