Demographic and Socioeconomic determinants of contraceptive use in Uganda: Evidence from the 2011 Health, Behavior and Communication Survey Data
Juliana Kyomugisha, Makerere University
Gideon Rutaremwa, Makerere University
This paper investigates the emerging patterns and determinants of contraceptive use in Uganda using secondary data from the AFFORD Health Behavior and Communication survey 2010. A question was asked to women regarding the contraceptive methods they were using then in order to delay or avoid getting pregnant in the near future. The study used data from 1257 respondents, and established that only 39% of eligible women were using contraceptives at the time of the survey. Rural residents use contraceptives more than urban residents. Education level attainment, age group, children ever born and marital status had significant effects on contraceptive use. In terms of regions, contraceptive use was highest in Central region and lowest in West Nile. On the whole, it was established that contraceptive use is still low, but evidently on an increase. This calls for accelerated contraceptive use campaign as well as female education, especially in the rural areas.
Presented in Poster Session 1