
Unmet needs for contraception in formal and informal neighborhoods of Ouagadougou

Clémentine Rossier, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Cheikh Mbacke, Independent Consultant
Roch Millogo, Université de Ouagadougou

Although fertility remains high in rural Burkina Faso, the fertility transition is well advanced in urban areas (TFR = 3.1 in Ouagadougou 2003 DHS), and contraceptive prevalence is higher in cities (38% current contraceptive users among married women in Ouagadougou 2003 DHS). Little is known about contraceptive use differentials within cities, except that richer and more educated women are more likely to use contraception and to have fewer births. Cities are made of formal and informal neighborhoods, the latter being inhabited more often by poor families and women having migrated from rural areas. In this paper, we will investigate differences in need for contraception and contraceptive use between formal and informal neighborhoods in Ouagadougou, using data from the Ouaga Demographic Surveillance System collected since the end of 2008. The aim of this analysis is to contribute programmatic recommendations for urban family programs, in informal and formal settlements.

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Presented in Session 115: Comparative studies of determinants of contraceptive use