
Analysis of potential adverse effects of performance based financing in Rwanda: the case of reference of at risk pregnant women”

Valens Hafashimana, National University of Rwanda
Aline Umubyeyi, NUR/SPH
Paulin Basinga, Tulane University

Our study called is: Analysis of potential adverse effects of performance based financing in rwanda: the case of reference of at risk pregnant women” The overall objective is to look up the perverse effects of PBF in the management of deliveries in health facilities especially appropriateness of transfers from health centers to referral hospitals in two health districts of Rwanda. It is a descriptive and retrospective study on transfers of deliveries from HC towards reference hospitals comparing two districts of Rwanda from 2006 to 2008. Results showed a significant increase of institutional deliveries for both districts as well for the references of complicated deliveries. There has been a non significant increase of the proportion of transferred women as non relevant references at Rwamagana (PBF) with a difference of 4% while at Kamonyi (non-PBF), it have been significant (difference of 15%). Thus,less non relevant transfers than in non PBF area

  See extended abstract

Presented in Session 94: Policy, system, and service level drivers of progress in achieving MDGs 4 and 5