
The cost to the health system of unsafe abortion in Uganda

Frederick Mugisha, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development

This paper addresses the knowledge gap that exists in costing unsafe abortion in Uganda by presenting estimates of the cost to the health system of providing post-abortion care (PAC), based on research conducted in 2010. Thirty-nine public and private health facilities were selected representing three levels of health care. Cost information on drugs, supplies, material, personnel time, and out-of-pocket expenses were collected using an ingredients approach. Indirect costs in the form of overhead and capital costs were measured. The average cost per client, across five types of abortion complications, was $151. The annual direct cost nationally was estimated to range from $10.6 to $14.5 million. Including indirect costs and satisfying all demand raised the annual national cost to $18.7 million. Post-abortion care consumes a substantial portion of the total expenditure in reproductive health in Uganda. Investing more resources in family planning programs to prevent unwanted pregnancies would reduce health systems costs.

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Presented in Session 19: The financial burden of unsafe abortion in Africa