Wednesday, December 7 / 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM   •   Salle des Banquets A3

Session 48:
Demographic dividends and MDGs in Africa

Chair: Thomas LeGrand, Université de Montréal
Discussant: Philippe Bocquier, Université Catholique de Louvain

  1. Migration bonus and malus in two Sahelian capitals: Ouagadougou and Niamey in 2009-2010Daniel Delaunay, IRD ; Florence Boyer, IRD

  2. Are West African countries able to benefit from the demographic dividend?Jean-Pierre F. Guengant, IRD Institut de Recherche pour le Développement ; John May, World Bank Group

  3. Youth bulge and the prospect of demographic dividend in NigeriaNgozi M. Nwakeze, University of Lagos

  4. Evolution of youth integration on the labour market in Cameroon, Senegal and MaliLaure Pasquier-Doumer, UMR DIAL IRD

Other sessions on Population and development