Friday, December 9 / 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM   •   Samandin 1

Session 117:
Program evaluations using random experiments or simulations

Chair: James Ciera, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
Discussant: Yazoumé Yé, ICF Macro

  1. Is it all about money? A randomized evaluation of the impact of insurance literacy and marketing treatments on the demand for health microinsurance in SenegalMichel Tenikue, CEPS/INSTEAD ; Jacopo Bonan, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca ; Olivier Dagnelie, Independent Consultant ; Philippe LeMay-Boucher, Heriot-Watt University

  2. High effectiveness of prenatal education in the maternal and neonatal risk contexts: journal systematics and meta-analysisDieudonné Soubeiga, Université de Montréal

  3. Africa is ready for a policy of effective marriage? Missing important elements on the trends and determinants of its entries in the unionLéni Henard, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

  4. Future of education in Burkina Faso: simulation of the benefits of the control of fertility on basic educationSibi Guissou, Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de l'Alphabétisation/DEP

Other sessions on Programs and policies